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Winter is an interesting time around here. We do our best to plan for the coming year, to convince ourselves that we actually like snowy adventures, and with the change of the year we tend to think about what we'd like to do better this year. Over time we've learned that it's best to adopt change slowly, in an effort to not get bogged down by "New Year's Resolutions" that all pile on top of each other and then clog the drain and fail. So we've got some great stuff in store for this year, and we're doing our best to take them at a pace that is open to change and free from false pressure. What a goal, right? 

Contributors: Blaine Eldredge - writer and design editor, John Eldredge (Padre) - writer and content editor, Justin Lukasavige - social media, Karen Christakis - copy edits, Luke Eldredge - staff writer, Sam Eldredge - writer and managing editor, Back Office Thinking - web development