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Like the frost that is clearing and the rains that have come, may this issue help to bring forth new greenery. We had a lot of fun as a team on this issue, our 3rd anniversary issue I might add, as we played with new articles and challenges to ourselves in the process. There are a lot of irons in the forge currently, and with the first season of the podcast coming to a close this issue marks the launch into many of our summer projects. But it's not summer. At least not yet. And this space of promise and not-yet fills the pages of this issue. Here's to three years of And Sons.
Contributors: Blaine Eldredge - writer and design editor, John Eldredge (Padre) - writer and content editor, Sam Eldredge - writer and managing editor, Karen Christakis - copy edits, Back Office Thinking - web development, Justin Lukasavige - Social Media, Luke Eldredge - staff writer