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There's a lot to be said about 2016 ending and 2017 starting, and while most of us were pretty happy to see last year gone and done with, we can't help but feel a semblance of unease as we step into this New Year. Technology is partly to blame, with it's constant comparisons and elusive happiness, but then so is the media, politics, and the death of Carrie Fisher, among other reasons. We are called to look upon the good, serve the needy, and be in this world but not of it. So that's what we're after with this issue: we've got a variety of articles that intentionally ignore or shift the focus from from the clamor that doesn't actually deserve our attention, in the hopes of diving into that which makes us better men so that we can engage the world from a better place. We hope this issue helps you to do just that.
Contributors: Blaine Eldredge - writer and design editor, John Eldredge (Padre) - writer and content editor, Sam Eldredge - writer and managing editor, Karen Christakis - copy edits, Back Office Thinking - web development, Justin Lukasavige - Social Media, Luke Eldredge - staff writer, Sam Jolman - guest writer