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Somehow it feels like it's been months since we've had a full issue. While that might be empirically true, the life lived in that space makes it seem even longer. Here at And Sons we love the fall: the energy in the air, the richness of the harvest, the felt urgency. Somewhere deep down our ancestors blood warns us that we need to be prepared for the coming winter, and it's this urge that has pushed man on to create new technologies to keep the food dry and the hands warm. That's what imbibed this issue. The need to create something that will keep us alive, keep us thriving when all seems to grow cold and dark. It isn't always easy to pull it off, but once you do it's boots up on the potbelly stove and that secret stash of whiskey saved for when all was done.

Contributors: Matt Bennett - photography, Corey Zalewski - photography, Karen Christakis - copy edits, Back Office Thinking - web development, Jacquelyn Barnes - Hand Lettering and Design