Hark, now hear the sailors crysmell the sea and feel the skylet your soul and spirit fly into the mystic-Van Morrison ...
Going out into the wilds of the world, where nature was basically untouched, we got into our souls a sense of beauty.-Doug...
I can be by myself because I'm never lonely, I'm simply alone, living in my heavily populated solitude, a harum-...
"Just hang out," was the advice. "Do stuff together."The subject was developing friendships with men,...
You give but little when you give of your possessions.It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.-Kahlil GibranAnd...
When I was just a pint-sized adventurer and aspiring cowboy living in the suburbs of Los Angeles, my parents would ship me...
Last week I was in a gathering of men when one of the single guys asked a question—maybe The Question. “How do...